World Mosquito Program
With a tiny bacterium called Wolbachia, micro-organism is far too small to see with your eyes. But,
for some people, it can hold the power between life
and death.
The World Mosquito Program discovered that communities around the world can use Wolbachia to protect themselves from devastating diseases like dengue, Zika, chikungunya and yellow fever.
A visual refresh on their existing branding, the culmination of this work was a launch of a new global website that will be a the first touch point for the organisation. Working through the content with the lead writer and communications team getting a deep understanding of its history and complexities has allowed me to consider how my design work can help to communicate the story of World Mosquito Program and how these designs can be interpreted and used by the project sites to maintain brand cohesion and build trust with our partners.
Global Platform
A connecting point for World Mosquito Programs global project site this website incorporates a custom icon set to explain the unique method, a strong focus of using images of our community across the globe and highlighting our impact through data visualization and video testimonials.
Printed Materials
A full refresh of the printed materials accommponied the brand refresh.